How DresmaPost Enabled this Company to Massively Scale Up

About the client

A hospitality platform that onboards, distributes and manages 23,000+ properties in over 18 countries.  Each property listing has a visual content requirement, and consistent imagery is a must to attract clients to book.

Challenges faced

Obtaining consistent imagery from multiple geographic locations, using their own available resources, delivered quickly and at scale. 

How Dresma helped

Creating a centralized technology-enabled, post-processing workflow that adapted  to the scale of the challenge while at the same time delivering on consistent quality.  Dresma also worked with them to develop photography guidelines that would help capture all the required information on site and allow  the post-processing  enough leeway to deliver consistent images. 

Existing workflow

Images sent from different locations

Large amounts of time taken to process and ensure visual consistency

High costs involved in the process and inconsistent outputs

Workflow with Dresma

Images sent from various locations to Dresma

TAT reduced to under 8 hours

Consistent imagery at lower costs

Benefits at a glance:

  • Delivered over 500,000 images across 20,000 properties 
  • Turnaround time of under 8 hours per property
  • Stringent editorial guidelines for consistent imagery
  • AI allows for deep learning tools to create image enhancements
  • User engagement increased more than 5% due to better visualization of the hotel properties.

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